Sunday, October 14, 2012

It’s again a foggy and cloudy day and we decided to continue the Highway 1 theme to visit the section between Half Moon Bay and Santa Cruz. We drove north on the ridge of the Santa Cruz Mountains along the Skyline Boulevard to connect to State Route 92, where we encounter heavy traffics because of the Pumpkin Festival at Half Moon Bay.

The cloud sea covering San Francisco Bay Area.

A opening of the clouds revealed the junction of Interstate 280 and State Route 92.

Cars behind us in the traffic jam.

Roadside farms selling pumpkins.

Although we could enjoy sunshine and breeze on the Half Moon Bay State Beach, fogs covered most part of the ocean.

Radar station across the bay.

A guy was doing powered parachuting when we visited the Half Moon Bay State Beach.

We encountered more foggy beaches when we drove south.

An offshore islet occupied by seagulls.

The Pigeon Point Light Station stood tall beneath the sun.

Houses next to the light station now served as guest houses.

A bay south to the Pigeon Point.

White Lighthouse beneath blue sky.

The barn now served as visitor information center of Ano Nuevo State Natural Reserve.

A pond reserved as animal inhabitant in the state park.

The sea lions stayed at the furthest beach in the state park and we had to cross the dunes to reach there.

Hundreds of elephant seals rested on the beach.

Abandoned houses on the Ano Nuevo Island used to be residences of lighthouse keepers.

Many people doing kite surfing near the beach north of Santa Cruz.

A Southwest Boeing 737 landing at San Jose International Airport at dusk.

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