Saturday, July 09, 2005

It's always the unexpected moments one encountered on the road that make traveling so much fun.

This was a giant table football locates in a square, and those people were playing pretty seriously.

This was the live demo of the Blue Man Group show. Two kids helped the guy by pouring neon yellow and orange coloured liquid on top the surface of drums. Then he hit the drums with great force to make the liquid splash and dance to his tempos. I liked the performance so much that I end up standing in line to buy ticket for the show that night.

This is the pedestrian sign used since the days of East Germany. At the time when Taiwan is replacing pedestrian signs with animated LED displays, a lot of people in Germany wish to keep this symbolic sign forever.

This was just a quite moment when I walked along the park and the rainbow made by the water spray drew my attention.

This is a lion statue painted with Stonehenge. There are painted lion statues all over the old town of Munich. And this is the one that really made me chuckled.

In front of the Michaelskirche, a band was playing themes from The Lion King. They were quite good, and when they finished, there were a huge applause from people gathered around them.

This is the seats in the aviation area of Deutsche Museum. You have to admire their idea of putting economy class seats for people to rest at the place displaying airplanes.

And the last is the Olympic Tower. I simply like the reflection of the tower on the water.

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