Thursday, July 05, 2012

I took the trains from Kansai International Airport to Koyasan (Mount Koya) in Wakayama Prefecture of Japan. Koyasan was part of an UNESCO world heritage site in Japan and was known for the Buddhist temple complexes and tombs of wealth and noble families. It rained all day but it did add to the atmosphere of the mountain village.

This gate marked the beginning of my visit to Koyasan.

The police outpost in a traditional house.

A random temple I decided to visit when I walked passed its gate.

The mausoleum of the Tokugawa family.

The tombs of the family of Toyotomi Hideyoshi.

At the end of the passage was the temple for the founder of the Buddhist sect based in Koyasan.

The 1100 anniversary monument of Koyasan erected 97 years ago as Koyasan was preparing for its 1200 anniversary on 2015.

This pagoda was listed as part of the World Heritage.

The Kongobu-ji was also part of the World Heritage.

The famous Japanese rock garden in Kongobu-ji .

Japanese rock garden under water.

This museum displayed collections of ancient statues and paintings.

Rebuilding this gate was part of the events to celebrate the 1200 anniversary of Koyasan.

The main hall of Danjogaran.

The giant Konpon Daito in Danjogaran.

The smaller and less colorful west pagoda in Danjogaran.

The benches were sandwiched between two statues of sleeping young monks.

The main gate of Koyasan marked the end of my visit to Koyasan.

The display at Koyasan funicular station illustrated the height and paths of the mountain railways.

View of the mountain ranges from the mountain railway.

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